Bow Holster / Bowcase – Half


This Bow Holster Model is widely chosen to be a set with the Quiver that our customers order and become one of the best sellers in our shop.

This type of Bow Holster Half can be used for various types of bows such as Turkish, Crimean Tatars, Korean, Ming, Manchu and others.

  • Handmade Product
  • Model : Universal Bow Holster
  • Size : 350 x 280 x 50 mm
  • Leather Type : Semi vegetable tanned leather
  • Leather Thickness : 2.5 – 3.0mm
  • Stitching by Hand
  • This product will be patterned and Color according to your Quiver.

Very Important !!!!

  • Please let us know if you are a left-handed Archer. If there is an error in your order in this regard, it is not our responsibility.
  • Bow Holster facing back is more recommended, because it will not interfere with you when pulling out the arrow, but this is just a suggestion, if you want to face forward is not a problem.
  • If your bow is a large bow, then put the largest size on your bow, we will adjust the size later to fit.
  • Some longbows like the Manchu give us a custom size for your bow at the widest part (from handle to string) or other widest part.
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